Next members meeting: Wednesday 23rd April 2025
Dementia Australia Office , 121 Bridge st, Port Macquarie
Time: 8.30am - 10am
We hope to see you there.
The DFC set up a stall at the market day for Mrs Yorks 10th birthday celebrations. Dementia friendly garden was our focus on the day with information on dementia friendly gardening, tools for reminiscence and attendees encouraged to come along to pot a succulent in a mug or teapot.
We were privileged to have our stall visited by Costa and our volunteers interviewed, which was live streamed on his Facebook page.
We explained what the DFC does: dementia friendly, inclusive communities, raise awareness and environments.
Costa’s Georgiadis’s comments:
“This is my kinda thing, dementia friendly home garden.”
That’s something I (Costa) have done a little bit of work on, and the DFC have inspired me to do some more.
“Fantastic!” he said.
Graeme Atkins was recorded on Costa’s live stream as well and explained to Costa the benefits of the membership of the DFC Alliance for someone living with dementia such as himself and the enjoyment he gets from gardening and visiting such spaces at Mrs Yorks Garden.
Costa commented on the social benefits of the community creating such a space and joining in the 10-year celebration of MYG and the positive feedback instead of daily negativity of life that the population receives from the media.
Graeme Atkins wrote and sang a 10-year anniversary song for FMYG at the formal ceremony.
We thank our volunteers and appreciate them fulfilling our aims for the day
• Increase dementia awareness & education
• Promote collaboration and community inclusiveness
• Highlight the benefits of gardening and sensory gardens for people living with dementia
Sessions led by Registered Music Therapist Phoebe Thompson-Star in collaboration with the Greater Port Macquarie Dementia Friendly Alliance and Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
For all those who know someone or are involved in sports, health, education, or simply curious, we welcome you to join us and discover more about CTE and how you can help.